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About the Podcast:

The mystic path is committed to knowing ourselves, both inner and outer ways of relating, our path of evolution and self development and ultimately revealing all the ways we can step more deeply into our wholeness, hold greater capacity for our wholeness both light and shadow through presence, connection, and embodiment. 


Each episode is an emergent exploration through various lenses and/or practices of wholeness. Check out the latest episodes to support your journey of wholeness and meet some amazing practitioners.  


Latest Podcast Episode:

EP 17: Martine De Luna | Mother of Kings an exploration of role modeling polarity in service of  raising healthy masculinity in our son. 
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Hosted by Jenn Reilly

I'm Jenn Reilly Host of Mystics Rising and I share this work with so much joy! This podcast is my art, my creative space to explore the vast landscape of ourselves, our consciousness and our unique paths of deepen into our own wholeness.


This inquiry into wholeness has had such an impact on my being and part of my motherhood journey. My  intention is to inspire others on their own inward journey and in support of our nurturing our future generations.





The mystic is committed to their inner path and embodiment of presence.

They are committed to nurturing the intimacy of their awareness and their wholeness. It is a commitment, it is  a practice of our inner journey to hold more capacity for embodied presence. Which challenges us to build more awareness of all the ways we constrict in presence, and support ourselves to liberate/ heal  our consciousness to hold more capacity for the complexity of the present moment. 

Building Capacity to hold both light and shadow.

It's not just about the lightworkers, we need practices and support to know our shadows - that is where our treasures lie. Wholeness is about depth and the union of our light and our shadow. We need both to fully know , heal, and deepening into our wholeness, into our true essence. 

Our inner work paves the way for the next generation.

Let's raise a generation of mini mystics! The more we deepen and support our wholeness,  the more we pave the way for the next generation to step more fully into their gifts. And what would the world look like if everyone didn't have to heal their trauma and just realized their gifts from childhood. 

Normalizing Healing.

We are in an age where healing our unresolved ancestral trauma is becoming more and more important to liberating  consciousness and evolving humanity. Everyone has healing to do, that is apart of being human. At Mystics Rising we want to celebrate and normalize this part of humanity. How do we normalize healing? What would the world look like with everyone took responsibility for their healing?

Spiritual awakenings is apart of developmental evolution.

There are many contexts the term mysticism can be used in. One lens that offers clarity, is through the integral lens of adult development. There are many models that all point to the same thing, that unity and divine connection with the collective consciousness is apart of our evolution.  We often refer to the Stages Matrix created at Stages International, map for the "DNA of our consciousness."  


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We are looking to expand our network, and community offerings to support collective wholeness. 

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Of course open to co-creating other options - contact Jenn for more ways to support. 

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